Thursday, September 11, 2008
Too Much and Not Enough
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Life in the Ghetto
It’s almost like they have this unspoken understanding:
The one who is the loudest is the one having the most fun.
My take?
Stupid. Asses.
Season change please!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Not Always Pretty on the Inside
Also, I have found that I have been plagued by feelings of indecisiveness for a long time. Something as simple as ordering off a menu can be a time consuming process. I think that these emotions are probably indicative of deeper issues. I am hoping with some self-realization and introspection I can determine where these emotions stem from. Perhaps some therapy is in order…or maybe just copious amounts of anti-psychotics.
I hope that I experience a metamorphous. I hope that my life for the last several years has been me…in a cocoon healing and learning from the trauma that occurred in my life and past mistakes. I think that I have a better idea of what I want to accomplish, and the person that I want to be. Now, just bring those thoughts and ideas to fruition…
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Greener Grass
I have been house-sitting for my boss, who also happens to own the company. He has quite the nice existence. He isn’t obscenely wealthy…but he is way more than comfortable. He owns 3 in which he lives, a vacation home at the beach and a rental.
I would say that the house he lives in is probably 3-4 times the size of my home. That doesn’t even include the rec room or the garage. The house is surrounded by trees and is situated on 3 levels. It comes complete with 4 bedrooms and 4 full baths (the master bath has a Jacuzzi tub w/ bay window, separate shower, his and her sinks blah blah blah) formal living room, eat in kitchen, formal dining, foyer, family room, office and laundry room. The master suite is probably around 500 square feet or a bit bigger and it includes the office and the master bath and sitting area and walk-in closet. There are numerous sliders and doors that exit out to the deck that surrounds the entire property. The formal living room has a fireplace and is large enough to hold two grand pianos (yes two..a black one and a white one) sofa, love seat, a couple of chairs and a coffee table with plenty of room to move around. There is a large kitchen with island that leads to the formal dining room and the family room (which has an additional fireplace) On the second level is the rec room that holds the pool table, exercise equipment and a couple of couches, small fridge etc…it is about 400 square feet. The next level has the pool and Jacuzzi and ping pong table. There are 4 different sets of stairs leading to the different levels and an outside shower for the pool.
My family has been there for 4 days and will remain there for another week. We have been treating it like a staycation (stay at home/vacation) when I am off work. Soaking in the Jacuzzi, playing pool, ping pong or hide and seek in the dark. It’s not Paris…but it beats the hell out of the ghetto where I live.
Life is just easier with money. Hell, life is just easier in a house rather than an apartment. Just not having to go outside to a nasty common laundry room to do the laundry is a lovely concept.
I could get used to that life real quick.
But, I won’t.
Ego Auto
I’m just sayin’
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
That's the Truth
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Days Gone By

Friday, June 13, 2008
Couple of Reasons
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
What an Obnoxious Emotion

Monday, May 26, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Audit-Kiss Me Arse
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It's Only May for Crying Out Loud
Not. Good. Times.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Music vs. The Savage Beast
Friday, May 9, 2008
Just a Thought
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ay! Caramba
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
To Dream
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A Day in the Life...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Better Late.....
Cryptic for a Reason
Sometimes, life plays out in a way that is both shocking and yet not. Recently, I came across a bit of very useful information about someone that I know. This information evoked many emotions in me. Some of which were shock, disgust, elation and hope for a better future. Now, I know you may wonder how one bit of information could possibly have caused my emotions to run the gamut. The thing is, in this particular scenario there were three players involved. Well, actually two and one very innocent bystander. Without divulging too much information I will say that as far as the innocent bystander who was hurt in this scenario, I hope that this person has fully recovered and won’t remember a thing. The main player was unfortunately quite well known to me, and I hope that this person rots in hell gets their just desserts. As for the third player, I am unfamiliar with this person and can relate just a very little bit, although I think that someone should open a can o’ whoop ass and literally beat some sense into this person the punishment should fit the crime.
I have filed this information away and will apply it down the road in a future battle that I will be going through. Sometimes, just sometimes the universe gives me a little break.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Not By the Hair of My Chiny Chin Chin

Approximate age…..early to mid 50’s.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
No measure of mercy in pleasure or pain
The sin of omission is sin just the same
Visions of the future seen through broken glass
Shattered in pieces by mistakes of the past
A glimmer, a shimmer, a glint of hope's light
Enticing the
Spirit break free from shackles that bind
Renewal of heart, soul and mind
What If?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Drugs are the Devils Work

Warning!! this post is being written under the influence of Xanex and a Benedryl. It was not most well thought idea to take both medications at the same time. I am currently in the throes of a drug induced semi-coma. Which is actually far superior than the anxiety ridden angst I was experiencing just a short while ago. Said anxiety was intermingled with sneezing attacks, itchy water eyes and all the lovely things that accompany allergies. Please excuse all typos, ramblings and incoherent mutterings. I cannot be responsible in my current state.
I am about done with spring. I have done more than my fair of sneezing and itching the hell out of my eyes. Sometimes, they itch so bad that I feel that I have rubbed them raw. Nice! Besides, there is all that delicate tissue around the eyes, and I mustn’t give myself premature wrinkles (quack). I am also awoken nightly by this lovely itch that is somewhere inside my head. Okay, am I a just a freak and this only happens to me, or do other people experience it? It is located somewhere between my inner ear and near where my glands are at the base of my jaw and in my throat. It is so frustrating. There is no way to relieve this itch other than with a large knitting needle perhaps?! I look like a person you would cross the street to get away from when I am experiencing what I shall refer to as an ‘episode’. If you have ever seen the original Odd Couple movie with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau you know what I am talking about. When Felix’s allergies start to get the better of him he starts making faces and noises to get some relief. They are hilarious when someone else is doing them, but a real pain in the ass when they are happening to you. I am not quite as bad…but it’s not a pleasant sight.
I am currently seeing double and fading fast, so tis time to get my arse into full coma mode. Asta.