I am sure that we have all seen our share of interesting people in cars. There’s the usual.
The nose picker

The make-up artist

The mom teetering on the edge of sanity with a van full of kids that have either missed nap time, are hungry or someone is looking at them that shouldn’t be.
Then there is my all time favorite the ‘important’ one who has their ear glued to the phone.

I have even seen the same man on two different occasions on my way to work shaving. Up until now, I would have to say that was the most unusual.
All of those before today fell to the wayside.
Let me paint a picture.
Black BMW (that in and of itself is a whole other post)
Approximate age…..early to mid 50’s.
I am sitting there, just trying to maintain my sanity as I sit in the endless traffic on my way to my less than fulfilling job. While waiting 30 3 minutes at a traffic light, I will sometimes take a gander at the mankind that surrounds me. I like to imagine their lives and wonder why they feel the need to drive like utter morons. I digress. Well, on this particular morning, as I glanced to my right I saw the blond.
She was…..
Wait for it…..
Patience grasshopper, it's really good…………………………
Santa Maria!! Yes sir folks, plucking them with tweezers right there for the whole world to see. What is even more amazing is that she was doing it without even looking, just randomly going at her chin with the tweezers. She continued to do this after the light changed, cruising right along doing her grooming. Try as I might I was unable to get a picture of her. You have to know I was scrambling to get my phone out of my purse to get a shot. Unfortunately, that was the only light we were ever at together and she exited the expressway shortly after.
If or when the time comes that I must deal with chin hairs, it is my oath to the world, I will take care of that in the privacy of my own home.
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