Warning!! this post is being written under the influence of Xanex and a Benedryl. It was not most well thought idea to take both medications at the same time. I am currently in the throes of a drug induced semi-coma. Which is actually far superior than the anxiety ridden angst I was experiencing just a short while ago. Said anxiety was intermingled with sneezing attacks, itchy water eyes and all the lovely things that accompany allergies. Please excuse all typos, ramblings and incoherent mutterings. I cannot be responsible in my current state.
I am about done with spring. I have done more than my fair of sneezing and itching the hell out of my eyes. Sometimes, they itch so bad that I feel that I have rubbed them raw. Nice! Besides, there is all that delicate tissue around the eyes, and I mustn’t give myself premature wrinkles (quack). I am also awoken nightly by this lovely itch that is somewhere inside my head. Okay, am I a just a freak and this only happens to me, or do other people experience it? It is located somewhere between my inner ear and near where my glands are at the base of my jaw and in my throat. It is so frustrating. There is no way to relieve this itch other than with a large knitting needle perhaps?! I look like a person you would cross the street to get away from when I am experiencing what I shall refer to as an ‘episode’. If you have ever seen the original Odd Couple movie with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau you know what I am talking about. When Felix’s allergies start to get the better of him he starts making faces and noises to get some relief. They are hilarious when someone else is doing them, but a real pain in the ass when they are happening to you. I am not quite as bad…but it’s not a pleasant sight.
I am currently seeing double and fading fast, so tis time to get my arse into full coma mode. Asta.
1 comment:
"I look like a person you would cross the street to get away from when I am experiencing what I shall refer to as an ‘episode’."
That made me laugh. Good stuff.
AND. "Besides, there is all that delicate tissue around the eyes, and I mustn’t give myself premature wrinkles (quack)."
That's what I constantly worry about... unfortunately.
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