Thursday, April 24, 2008

What If?

I watched the 1998 movie Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow yesterday. It was about the way her life may have played out if she had missed the train home vs. making the train. It wasn’t the best movie I have ever seen, but I really enjoyed it. Haven’t you ever wondered ‘what if’? A split second can change everything in your life. The smallest moment or decision can be a pivotal point. There are the obvious ones of course, like deciding to get behind the wheel after a couple of drinks at dinner or having unprotected sex. There are the ones that we don’t appear to have control over, like missing the train etc. Then there are the ever so subtle ones like ignoring that feeling in your gut or that small quiet voice inside your head. While I don’t want to go through life wondering about what could have been, I know that I have played that game more times than I care to count. The variables are just too mind boggling.

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Learning as I grow and growing as I learn.