Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Okay, so I am one of those that tend to beat myself up unmercifully about past mistakes. I don’t care if these mistakes occurred decades ago (yes, I am just that old) you can bet that when they cross my mind self-degradation occurs. It’s an everyday struggle to let the past go. I recently realized that all the talk about forgiving yourself and loving yourself may actually hold some merit. How can a person truly be ‘in the now’, if they are forever trying to reinvent their past?


Anonymous said...

Remember that giving up all hope for a better past refers to forgiving yourself as well as others.
Whenever I am trying to let go of the past I always try to keep in mind the alternative; Let go or get dragged.

dkearns72 said...

"dragged" is exactly the right verb there!

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Learning as I grow and growing as I learn.