Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On an positive note

In an attempt to tether my compulsion to dwell on the bad, I will talk about the positives today. I have in my opinion wonderful children. Yes, I know…all parents think that their kids are the wonderful ones. That the sun rises and sets…blah blah blah. But, they are honestly good, solid human beings. I do not take credit for who they have become. I feel that I lucked out. They are the one area in my life where I think that I won the lottery. I guess in the vast scheme of things, what more could a person want?

I know that as parents we are meant to love our children. Nature dictates that there be a bond. But, I can proudly say that I like my kids. I enjoy their company and find them delightful (well, most of the time anyway). I love that we have a close relationship. I was told that we as a family are like 'peas in a pod'. If I can only be half the person that they are, I would consider myself very lucky.


dkearns72 said...

This is lelanya...i think your kids are great too. Love the blog...look forward to reading more.

Not Always Pretty said...

Hi Lelanya, Thanks!! Can't promise it will be entertaining..but it is what it is. Hope to post some pictures soon. Will get that flikr account set up as soon as I have some time.

RC said...

Compared to most kids i see these day, you have done an outstanding job with them.

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Learning as I grow and growing as I learn.