So, I have decided that I am officially taking a break here at work for a few minutes and vent so that I don’t do it when I get home. I don’t want to be toxic around my kids anymore. I usually just work through the whole day without a break or lunch. But, the last two days, it’s been all I can do to not walk out of this office. I have dealt with the most difficult people in the last two days. One woman in particular has taken to sucking the life out of me. It has come to the point where I absolutely refuse to talk to her. I. Will. Not. Do. It. There is no way that I can rise above one more time with this person and be civil. Our office extended a courtesy to her in the first place by speaking to her about the file, and God in heaven I wish that I could go back in time and revoke that courtesy.
Why are some people so rotten?
Days like the ones that I have had make me want to just bail on society.
I desperately need a change of scenery.
Guess I should get back to the grindstone. And a grind it certainly is.
Why are some people so rotten?
Days like the ones that I have had make me want to just bail on society.
I desperately need a change of scenery.
Guess I should get back to the grindstone. And a grind it certainly is.
you did better than me. i went toxic with the kids around yesterday. :(
It happens, Dan. In my opinion the two best things you can do about it are a.) Be aware of it. and b.) Apologize.
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