Why are some people so rotten?
Days like the ones that I have had make me want to just bail on society.
I desperately need a change of scenery.
Guess I should get back to the grindstone. And a grind it certainly is.
The Joys of Spring
The trees colored with blooms of cherries
The vines grown heavy with succulent berries
The daytime sky lit by sun bright
The headiness of a warm spring night
The snotting, the sneezing, the eyes that itch
The cough, the tickle that makes me twitch
The change of season so bitter and sweet
Make haste dear spring, be gone toot sweet.
From a speech given in Paris at the Sorbonne in 1910
I haven’t been in the mood to blog lately. Or perhaps I just don’t have anything interesting to say. I haven’t seen any good movies/shows, read any good books or heard any good stories. The only thing that was slightly out of the ordinary was when the owner of the company I work for was telling me about an author that he likes and somehow managed to work the words penis and scrotum into the conversation. Those are two words that I never want to hear him say again. Never. Ever.
Due to the state of the economy, our company has made some…adjustments to avoid additional lay offs. I have been working in a different capacity within my company and am in contact with the owner more than usual. I seem to have become his new best friend here at work. He loves to regale me his stories. When I say regale, I mean to say bores me to death. He talks to me about stuff that I couldn’t care less about. I get cornered at my desk and can’t break free unless someone here interrupts us or something work related. Most of time I don’t want to deal with work related stuff, but during ‘story time’ I am all over it. I am completely disenchanted with work. That probably isn’t the right word…as it was never enchanting to begin with. But, it just seems to suck the life out of me these days. I feel wrong for complaining. It pays we okay, the people I work with/for are decent. But….it’s just not me.